BREW GUIDE: Grass Roots Plantation // Papua New Guinea

  You've found one of our brewing guides! Here are recipes we enjoy using. 

As with any of our coffee recipes, this is only a guide! In a cafe, coffee recipes should be checked and adjusted at least once per day.

You might like to brew or taste your coffee differently than us - this is great! Our hope is to bring you joy through coffee - if your life is better when using a different recipe, by all means go ahead 😇

Here are the recipes:


32g coffee, 480g brew weight (1:15 ratio). 4:30 minutes @95 degrees, 18.5% yield

Brewed correctly, this coffee will be layered & lush - quite messy, with sharp fruit flavors moving to a caramel sweetness, leaving a dank, petrichor-esque aftertaste. An underextracted brew will only have the initial, sharp flavor - like wheatgrass, without fullness. When over extracted, this coffee will be very heavy & vegetative, with flavors muddled together.
