BREW GUIDE: Kindness Cup #1 // Huila // Columbia

You've found one of our brewing guides! Here are recipes we enjoy using with our first Kindness Cup. 

As with any of our coffee recipes, this is only a guide! In a cafe, coffee recipes should be checked and adjusted at least once daily.

You might like to brew or taste your coffee differently than us - this is great! Our hope is to bring you joy - if your life is better using a different recipe, by all means go ahead 😇

Here are the recipes:

(makes 2 cups)

32g coffee, 450g water (1:14 ratio) @ 93 degrees
5:30 total brewing time, ~18% extraction yield

Properly extracted, this brew should have a deep aromatic quality to a plum/raspberry fruitiness. If it tastes like a sludgey fruit salad, it is over extracted. If it tastes sharp and hollow like toothpaste or grapefruit, extract more.

AEROPRESS (makes 1 cup)
16g coffee, 232g water (1:14.5 ratio) @ 88 degrees.
2:50 total brewing time ~18% extraction yield

Properly extracted, this brew should have a bright, fruity and floral papaya flavor. if the taste is twiggy and flat, extract less. if sharp, lemony and empty, extract more.

Espresso (double)
19g coffee, 50g water out (1:2.5 ratio), 35 seconds, ~18.5% extraction yield
Because we don't know your espresso setup, here are some some general tips:

- our omni or espresso roasts for this coffee are quite light - we are looking for a very bright acidity, like a laser beam in your mouth
- but, for this to be fun, there needs to be sugar balancing the acidity. So, we like extracting a bit more than usual, into a bit more water
- you might need to grind finer than you're used to - not to worry! It is taste that we care about, not the physical size of the grinds, so crank that dial~
Properly extracted, this brew should have a shockingly tart & sweet raspberry flavour that sparkles in your mouth - If it tastes dull, muddy or muted, extract less. If the taste is very short, thin and sour at the sides of your mouth, extract more
